In the heart of Germany, where centuries-old traditions intertwine with modern societal shifts, a chilling phenomenon has emerged. Pacts known as "Faith Breaker Documents" are exploiting religious vulnerabilities for personal gain, revealing a deeply troubling trend of discrimination against spiritual groups. These contracts often prey on individua… Read More
The enforced dogmatism of MIVILUDES constitutes an precise violation of the freedom of conscience and belief. It is especially appalling the point out-funded MIVILUDES takes advantage of community income to create a report with unsupported and unreliable allegations calculated to malign a whole spectrum in the population in the watch of public opi… Read More
The mental health landscape in New Zealand encompasses a wealth of techniques towards therapy. Nonetheless, among the multifaceted practices, some ones continue to have a cloud of argument hanging over them. Primarily among these are psychiatric abuses, involuntary commitments, forced medications, and the use of electroshock therapy. One main form… Read More